Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Obsolete Science

This week we made a small presentation in pairs of Obsolete types of sciences. WIth Maddy, we researched 'N-Rays' and "Cold Fusion". It was interesting to see how different types of sciences had become so 'famous' in the "Old Days", yet had somehow disappeared or been reformed into Today. Finding information was also very difficult as many websites were biased and not very helpful. But the presentation is finished, and emailed to our teacher Mr Smith.

I think the reason why we did this presentation was to give us a broader look of science and how some theories that we have today came about as such, for example N-Rays was just a different version of the X- Rays that we use commonly today.

We have a test today, which unfortunately I can't attend as I am home sick, but next time at TOK i will take the test. Hopefully it shall not be too hard, as I'm not very good at answering questions, because I feel like I just don't know the answers of many things. "Why are we here?" is something that I feel I will never be able to answer.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the obsolete science project illustrated how science progresses. Are there scientific theories out there today that you think might become obsolete some day?
