Friday, March 25, 2011

Natural Science

In our previous TOK lesson we talked about the science of being and almost the illusions we see in science, and how it affects us daily. WHat science has done for us today etc

We looked at some interesting tests on youtube, which we not necessarily correct but in saying that, how do you know whether they were real or not. We looked at how water is 'effected' with emotions that we bare to it for example if you place words like death on it it will react badly to say if you placed the word love on it.
To me, this seems likes a plausable idea. I mean, the world is surrounded by water. Who is to say it is not affected by emotion. In English we use the term 'pathetic fallacy' which means the weather is reacting to the theme of the play. So why not apply that theory to real life.

Others may not agree with me, but I found it very interesting to see what some scientists do and how forever they are discovering new things about the world.

Because it is a wonderful world that we live in. Why not explore it? why not perform tests with rice? why not fail with our theories and hypothesis'. It just means that we get to write another one and discover something new that is real.

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